Request Certification CME Form CME ACCREDITATION REQUEST FORM APPLICANT/ORGANIZATION * ADDRESS * Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 * City State / Province / Region Postal Code * Country * AustraliaCanadaJamaicaUKUSA Country Email * CONTACT TELEPHONE # * NAME OF CONTACT: * NAME OF CONTACT: First First Middle Middle Last Last LOCATION OF CME ACTIVITY: * DATE OF ACTIVITY: * DATE OF ACTIVITY: DATE OF ACTIVITY: DATE OF ACTIVITY: DATE OF ACTIVITY: HOURS OF ACTIVITY: * NUMBER OF DAYS REQUESTING ACCREDITATION * MEETING/SESSION ACCREDITATION * (please indicate if you are requesting a meeting or session accreditation only) COURSE ACCREDITATION (please indicate if you are requesting course accreditation only) ACCREDITATION REQUEST FOR: * REGIONAL/CARIBBEAN JAMAICA ONLY REGIONAL INCLUDING OWN JURISDICTION MY LOCATION ONLY JAMAICA AND REGIONAL/CARIBBEAN CO-ORGANIZER * TITLE OF PROGRAMME/ACTIVITY: * PROGRAMME OUTLINE/COURSE OUTLINE Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 67.11MB (if file cannot be uploaded, please email to COURSE/WEBINARS/MEETING PROGRAM AGENDA (MANDATORY) Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 67.11MB (if file cannot be uploaded, please email to PLEASE UPLOAD CVS/BIOS FOR PRESENTERS Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 67.11MB (if file cannot be uploaded, please email to PROGRAMME GOALS * PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES * DESCRIPTION OF EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGY TO BE USED: * POWER POINT LECTURE CLINICAL CASE STUDIES WORKSHOP PRE TEST Other METHOD OF PROGRAMM EVALUATION: * POST TEST QUESTIONS AND ANSWER SESSION BREAK OUT SESSIONS POLL QUESTIONS Other CREDIT HOURS REQUESTING (PER DAY OR PER SESSION) * REQUESTING ACCREDITION THROUGH (Accrediting Body) * MCJ AGPJ MCJ & AGPJ AAFP (additional cost as requested by AAFP) MCJ, AGPJ & CCFP REGIONAL OTHER WEBINARS/MEETINGS ONLY – CME/WEBINARS/MEETING ACCREDITATION – I understand that there is an administrative cost for processing this application. Application for CCFP Chapters (in good standing) is US$200.00 per day: Non-Affiliates of AGPJ/CCFP- US$300.00 per day; Pharmaceutical Companies - US$300.00 per day. Application for Regional and Jamaica Accreditation is US$400/per day across the board. There is an additional cost for the Medical Council of Jamaica (if accreditation is required for Jamaican Physicians of J$7,500/per day or (US$47/day). Please note that affiliates/other associates refers to Medical Doctors or medical groups. * I am a Pharmaceutical company (non-affiliate) I am an Affiliate/Medical organizations, professional associations, academic institutions, and healthcare entities aligned with the practice of general medicine I do not need MCJ Accreditation I am a non-Affiliate of AGPJ: Organizations that support healthcare but do not primarily engage in medical practice, such as pharmaceutical companies, healthcare product manufacturers Not applicable ONLINE/ON DEMAND COURSE CME/ACCREDITATION -I understand that there is an administrative cost for processing this application. Application processing fee for AGPJ members is US$300.00: Other medical groups is US$500.00. Application for Non-affiliates, Pharmaceutical Companies is US$800.00. Please note that affiliates/other associates/medical groups refers to Medical Doctors or medical groups. * I am a pharmaceutical company(non-affiliate) I am an Affiliate: Medical organizations, professional associations, academic institutions, and healthcare entities aligned with the practice of general medicine I am a non-affiliate: Organizations that support healthcare but do not primarily engage in medical practice, such as pharmaceutical companies, healthcare product manufacturers Not applicable PLEASE NOTE: PAYMENT INFORMATION (Cheque made payable to the Association of General Practitioners of Jamaica or Direct Deposit to A/C#371000365, NCB, Matildas Corner Branch, Account type: J$ Chequing or Current Account or you can contact us for other options to pay. An estimate/invoice will be provided upon receipt of your application. * Yes The Applicant is responsible for distribution of CME Certificates to attendees * Yes I need AGPJ to distribute Certificates A list of the attendee is to be provided to the AGPJ Secretariat at the end of the event * Noted MEETING/CME ACCREDITATION ONLY: The applicant is responsible for designing its own promotional flyer, email CME Certificates to attendees and promoting event (if you require the CCFP to design flyer and promote event and email certificates to attendees please indicate), as these attract additional costs Yes No I need 1 email blast for promoting event I need 2 email blast for promoting event I need AGPJ to design Flyer ONLINE/ON DEMAND CME ACCREDITATION ONLY: The applicant is responsible for designing and promoting it online/on demand course. Applicant are to ensure that the signed CME Certificates for the attendees can be downloaded by each participant after completion of the course. (For promoting the online/on demand course an additional cost will be applicable. Yes Not Applicable I need 1 email blast for promoting event I need 2 email blast for promoting event Administrative Cost for Services are as follows. Please indicate that which is applicable * Association's Administrative fee (Local/JMD accreditation only) Affiliates – US$200/day + MCJ Fees Association's Administrative fee (Local/JMD accreditation only) Non Affilliates/Pharmaceutical companies/others– US$300/per day + MCJ fees Association's Administrative fee for Non-Affiliates/Pharmaceutical Companies - Applications for CME request for Local (MCJ) and Regional (CCFP-NCCME) – US$400/per day + MCJ fees MCJ Administrative Fee is J$7500. MCJ Fees: Please indicate that which is applicable * I have paid directly to MCJ. Please see copy of payment receipt (please upload invoice in upload section) I have paid by direct deposit to MCJs Account - Please see proof of payment (upload proof in upload section of this form) Please include MCJs cost in AGPJ's invoice Cost for additional Services are as follows. Please indicate that which is applicable * Full IT Service – US$2000 (webinars only) FULL IT Service - US$5,500 (hybrid)FULL IT Service - US$5,500 (hybrid) ZOOM – US$100-$340 Email Blast – US$80 per blast Bulk Email Certificates – US$195 Flyer Designing – US$100 Service not needed Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit